1. Ask
It's simple and easy, be curious and eager to learn things that you don't know. Asking and learning through other people helps you understand the concept and idea much quicker than reading it in a book. Every person that possesses knowledge, is more than willing to communicate and share what they knows to any one that is curious. Although not everyone holds the knowledge to everything and to every detail that they know, it's still a very good resource because you can learn something from someone else's perspective.From asking other people you are able to get information from a primary source or a secondary source. It's important to realize that even children learn by asking questions and students learn by asking questions. Did you know that the brightest thinkers never stop asking questions because they know that this is the best way to achieve deeper understanding
Make use of the internet, if you don't have anyone to ask why not check out this website that will help assist you in trying to find an answer. http://www.ask.com/
2. Get motivated, have the desire.
Getting motivated and having the right mentality to learn is very important. If you didn't give effort to try something then how would you progress through anything? Desire is the foundation of all learning and you can only improve your knowledge by having the desire to learn. Sometimes we can get off track and run into a dead end where we get into a stump.You feel mentally and emotionally drained. All your excitement about
accomplishing your dreams, working on a project, pursuing something,
committing to something important, or achieving a goal,
time and energy suddenly all gone.It's something that's unexplainable and hard to express. You will eventually realize that without the motivation and desire, nothing gets done, goals are still the same as you had left it. But if you could pull past that and regain a new purpose, and a new mentality then you are set to go. To have the desire requires to have the motivation that triggers the desire to do anything or get anything done at all. Motivation is the power that feeds to desire.
Trouble finding your own motivation? Check out Oprah's website, maybe it can help you find you!
3. Teach it
They say that you only fully understand and comprehend when you pass on and teach someone things that you've learnt about. If you've learnt something new, make sure to teach it to the people around you. In the act of
teaching, you will learn more than your pupils. Try to teach anyone at every opportunity, try to pass on your knowledge and this way you acquire knowledge in new ways. The participation adds interest and engages you and the person that you're teaching as well. And with the participation from the other person, if they had any questions to be asked you would be able to brainstorm and provide them with feedback. This can provide an opportunity for you to meet new people that you aren't acquainted with so that you are able to build some important speaking skills.
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